Natural Ways To Keep Fleas Away From Your Pets

Most pet owners have learned that having to control fleas is just part of the territory when you have a pet, but with all of the different options available when it comes to doing this, it can get confusing as to what you need to use.

Many mainstream products that are advertised to kill fleas and ticks really do the job, but they do it at the expense of your pet’s health. When you get right down to it, most are basically chemical pesticides, which is something that you don’t really want on your pet or on you. Both cats and dogs have been known to have severe reactions to these products, including the following symptoms: dizziness, drowsiness, lethargy, skin burns, hair loss, itching, inflammation, and neurological reactions, including seizures.

Many pet owners have posted on various forums that they should have done research into the products before using them on their pets and express anger because the manufacturers act like there is nothing wrong with their products.

A natural solution is the key to getting rid of fleas and ticks without exposing your pet to harmful chemicals that cause these dangerous side effects.

Try to keep in mind the fact that out of every 100 fleas, only 10 live on your dog. The other 90 live in your house! If you want to keep the fleas off of your dog, keeping them out of your house is the first step and this can be done by vacuuming your carpets on a regular basis and treating them with a flea powder. Keeping a clean house will help deter fleas from setting up their base a lot more than you might think.

If you don’t want to put anything on your dog, spreading a bag of lime around your yard will help keep fleas away from your home. Make sure it’s garden lime, not hydrated or dry lime, though. This will dehydrate fleas and their eggs and will make sure your yard will stay flea free for about a month, depending on how much it rains where you live.

Another way to help keep your pet flea free is to keep them bathed regularly. Some people even swear by certain brands of dish soap!

We all want to do what’s best for our pets and having access to natural methods of taking care of them is something we should all be thankful for.